Sungava Vet Pharma

Company Profile

Company Profile - Sungava Vet Pharma

Sungava Vet Pharma  is trading company in Kalanki Kathmandu Nepal. It was established  with an aim to serve Animal Health  sector to bring innovative solutions and products for Animal and poultry farmers.

Sungava Vet Pharma offers an array of quality veterinary pharmaceutical, vaccines and feed supplement. We scouted all over world and put great effort to arrange an bouquet of carefully chosen variety of products which can fulfill all needs of our customers. We left no stone unturned in our native country or neighboring countries or far away lands of Europe or other parts of world to find the best solution for the farmers.

Sungava Vet Pharma feels proud to have a well planned network of distributors established in all  main cities of the country to distributes various products all over the country.

Sugava Vet Pharma was established in 1992 with purpose of serving veterinary community and in 1998 started distribution of top end Animal Health Products. 

Now, it is one of the leading player in marketing of animal health products in Nepal. Sungava imports products from different distinguished companies like CHOONG ANG Vaccine Laboratory ltd. Avimex Lab – Mexico, SUPER’S DINA S.A.- Spain, Regen Biocorps India. Paramount Agrovet India, Brilliant India and Arriah Vaccines Russia.

We feel thankful when our customers appreciate us for our vast experience in offering one of the widest range of vaccines for various animal species including poultry.

Our customers are our best asset who brought us to this level, we are indebted to them for their support, without them we would not have been where we are.

Industry: Poultry / Dairy / Veterinary

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