Khalti Digital Wallet

Company Profile

Company Profile - Khalti Digital Wallet

Khalti is a mobile wallet, payment gateway & service provider in Nepal. Launched in January 2017, Khalti is one of the leading online payment solution in Nepal. It allows users to pay for a range of services like basic utility payments, hotel bookings, movie and domestic flight tickets, events and many more. It is operated and owned by Sparrow Pay Pvt. Ltd. 

We offer payment solution to over hundreds of merchants across Nepal and provide seamless payments using ebanking, smart banking, cards, and wallet. Being not just limited to mobile app users, Khalti has more than 8000 POS and Agent Network providing Khalti services to end users.

Khalti is home to some of the brightest minds in the country, which includes a team of highly skilled developers and interactive marketers. Our solution-oriented approach makes us reliable for any and all kind of service you might require from Khalti with the best user experience possible.

Our goal is to simplify lives of people by bringing financial inclusivity to every individual in Nepal and take the payment industry from offline to online through best practices.

Industry: Mobile Wallet and Payment Gateway

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